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Our Trust of Schools


Lipson Academy’s work on anti-bullying achieved recognition from the Anti-Bullying Alliance. We were awarded a United Against Bullying Bronze award which acknowledges our commitment to creating a bullying free environment for all of our students.  

At Lipson Academy we want to ensure that all students are able to learn in a supportive, caring and safe environment without fear of being bullied. Bullying is anti-social behaviour and affects everyone; it is unacceptable and will not be tolerated. Lipson Academy operates a zero-tolerance approach to bullying. We have very clear whole school approaches to ensuring that language used by everyone is fair and respectful, embracing diversity and championing equality. 


School management of bullying

Headteachers have a legal duty under the School Standards and Framework Act 1998 to draw up procedures to prevent bullying among pupils and to bring these procedures to the attention of staff, parents and students. School teaching and support staff must be alert to the signs of bullying and act promptly and firmly against it. Every bullying incident is different and because of this, the school uses a range of strategies in dealing with bullying issues. Students who have been bullied will be supported throughout and will be given opportunities to voice how they would like incidents to be resolved.

This may involve restorative work and various other strategies to allow the victim to be heard, reassured and pleased with the outcomes. All incidents will be thoroughly investigated in a fair and impartial manner, with appropriate follow up actions put in place, including communication with key staff and parents/carers. A range of sanctions will be used as appropriate and in consultation with all parties concerned. These could include detentions, internal exclusion and in very serious cases fixed term exclusions. Within the curriculum, the school will raise the awareness of the nature of bullying through inclusion tutorial time, assemblies and subject areas, as appropriate, in an attempt to eradicate such behaviour.